pages are about the history of Beyond Force, about how it all started and what
is the current status of Beyond Force. The writer of this page doesn't
take any responsibility if some things written here are not correct as
this is not supposed to be any kind of a absolute truth about the history
of Beyond. Additionally, there may be some more or less important issues
that are left out of this text's scope due to ignorance of the writer.
Things happened on the Amiga are especially on a weak basis.
Force was founded in the early months of 1988 and the main man behind the
original trademark undoubtedly was Hazor. Among the first members were also
Axeman, Solomon, TNT, Boss and some others. Beyond Force started first with
releasing small intros and demos. At the early days cracking games was
in picture as well but Beyond Force never gained reputation with real good
releases in the cracking scene. It didn't took long until the group turned
mostly legal. Additionally there was a short period of time late in the
year where Beyond Force was in co-operation with Xades Society, but that
coop ended before the year 1989 started. Beyond Force also released a few
music collections mostly done by Hazor that year.
the year 1988 Beyond Force released a few nice demos - the quality on the
coding side was going up gradually as TNT, Solomon, RSB and Boss released
several small and a bit larger productions. Towards the end of the year TNT
and Solomon had been working on a project that was to be released in the
beginning of 1989 labeled 'Phantasie'. This is probably the demo that lifted
Beyond Force to another level for good. Phantasie featured a lot of new
ideas and effects that were hi-tech at the time. Slowly Beyond Force had
created a reputation first and foremost as a coder group - designing the
demos was left pretty much secondary. This is a quality that can be seen
throughout the demos Beyond Force has released up to this day. Of course,
some exceptions to the tradition have been made every now and then, but
generally when the coders not only design their demos but also draw the
graphics, what else would you expect the result to be. In the year there
were a few meetings held and through all times this habit has continued to
exist as the latest meeting was held in january 1997. Our slogan from
that time - the leadding edge of coding - pretty much tells about the
attitudes the members had back then.
1989 TNT and Solomon kept releasing smaller demos on their own. Demos of
which 'Charlatan', 'Splitter' and 'Metamorphoses' are the ones that became
the biggest hits. Charlatan and Splitter were introducing a whole new
technique to create splits on C-64. The first one of these two, Charlatan,
was coded by Solomon and it featured a routine that held 37 splits, while
at the time demos hadn't even half of it at most. It's a bit hard to
describe how stunning the demos were at the time, but if you know the demo
Charlatan and have read Solomon's tales about the roots of the effect (they
are just tales) and consider that some people actually believed them, you
may get some kind of a picture of the situation. Shortly after Charlatan, TNT's
splitter took splitting into a new level. The routine presented 80 splits
in the background and 2 in the borders.
